About our Competition Yard

Our competition yard shows all of our active horses. It is our goal to breed competitive horses and to enable them the best possible education so that they experience the pleasure in their training.
We always keep an eye on rideability, throughness, and a healthy sensitivity. Every horse enjoys a gentle education which is conformed to their individual characteristics. Our team consists of highly qualified and sensitive trainers who take a lot of time to get to know each horse precisely. This is why we send our horses to competitions when they really are ready for it.

Individual Choice of Competitions and Tests

The choice of the right competition and test is essential for young horses to keep their pleasure in training instead of asking too much of them. This is very important for young and unexperienced horses. Participations count in quality of results instead of quantity. Significantly good results can only be reached with systematic training.

Even unexperienced horses get their individual competition plan in order to have enough time for regeneration and training inbetween each competition. The wealth of all our horses is the most important good which is highly respected in everyday training.

Get a picture of our sportive partners. All horses are listed which currently take active part in competitions independent of age or training level. You can find every horse inbetween riding horses and international Grand Prix horses.

Are you interested in one of our horses?

For more information you are very welcome to use the FN database to find more information on competitions and results. Alternatively, you can contact us at any time and we will be happy to provide you with further information to our horses.
